

Name: Hillary Sciro

Age: 23

Hometown: Birmingham, Ala.

Education: University of Alabama (B.A in Commerce and Business Administration)

Current Residence: Atlanta, GA

Style Questionare: Hillary’s Responses

Favorite color to wear:

“Turquoise and blues”

Less or more?:

Less is always more.”

Tailored and tight or loungey and loose?:

“Comfortable and flowy.”

Must have for this season:

“My fedora”


Favorite jewel:

“Opal and aquamarine”

Favorite fashion trend:

“High knee socks”

Beauty routine:

“Wake up, shower, style hair, apply make-up, pick out an outfit.”

All-time favorite find:

“My 90’s vintage leopard print backpack purse”


Any fashion pet peeves?:

“Besides boys wearing flip flops? No, live and let wear.”

You’re stranded on a desert island and can only bring five things from your closet — what do you grab?: 

“My chaco sandals, a bathing suit, beach cover ups, sunglasses and a hat.”

One style rule all women should break: 

“White pants are always in. Ever heard of winter white?!”

If you could have any TV or movie character’s wardrobe, whose would you chose and why?: 

It’s a toss up between Gossip Girl’s Serena and Blair. Both character’s wardrobes are both sophisticated and edgy. That’s pretty much how I always like to dress.”

All answers and photos provided by Hillary Sciro