alma and co blog habits to stay fit and healthy1. Don’t crash diet. Drastically cutting your calories to slim down might have a quick effect but chances are, if you’re not introducing healthy, long lasting eating habits to your daily life, the results of any diet or cleanse will not be sustainable long after that big event.

2. Exercise or be active every day. Even if you can commit to a full workout, make it a point to be active by taking a walk, use the stairs, park in the furthers spot, you get the idea. Studies show that even 15 minutes, 4-6 times a week can help you stress less, sleep better, even fend off cancer and diabetes.

3. Don’t drink sugar. Fruit juice, soda, and mixed drinks have way too much sugar. When you celebrate, opt for wine, beer, or a drink mixed with club soda. Smoothies when done right can be a wonderful source of nutrition but if not careful can be packed with added sugars and artificial ingredients.

4. Practice moderation. When you eat healthy most of the time, you can indulge once in a while without feeling guilty. Granted, this doesn’t mean you can eat the whole pizza, but the more you practice moderation you will see that one slice of pizza, one or two cocktails, or a small piece of chocolate will be enough to curve your cravings.

5. Focus on feeling great. Sure, you want to look great in that little black dress. Being active and fit increases overall endorphins, and good wellness habits lead to increased energy. If you focus on health and well-being first, the “looks” sure follow. Like Audrey Hepburn said: “Happy girls are the prettiest.”