You want to stay healthy and fit but between work, school, and life it becomes difficult to find time to make it to the gym–never fear, girl! We have some simple and easy ways to work healthy habits into your life. It only takes a few simple habits to help you get started on becoming fit and staying fit. Here are five easy to follow habits for weight loss.

1. Drink Water Instead of Soda.


Making it a habit to drink water over soda will provide you with more energy, better digestion, and clearer skin. Staying hydrated makes you feel more awake and flushes out the toxins in your body, as well. Try to carry a water bottle around with you throughout the day and continue to refill it.

2. Get Plenty of Sleep.

sleeping-1476274-640x480Staying fit is not just about working out and eating healthy. In order to stay healthy, your body requires 8 hours of sleep per night. Sleep provides you with the energy you need each day. Additionally, sleep helps regulate your metabolism, repairs your muscles,  and so much more. By getting enough sleep you’ll be a happier person overall.

3. Use the Stairs Instead of the Elevator.


Photo taken by Rubixcom;

Photo taken by Rubixcom;

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a great way incorporate exercise and movement throughout your day. Choosing the stairs also helps strengthen your lungs and your heart. Climbing stairs strengthens your legs and buttock muscles. If you want to burn more calories, try taking two stairs at a time.

4. Eat in Moderation.

Photo taken by With Wind;

Photo taken by With Wind;

It’s ok to eat real food without feeling guilty. Focus on eating in moderation by cutting your portions in half. It is important to  incorporate fruits and veggies into your meals as well. Allow yourself to eat a cookie or a piece of chocolate that you have been craving all day so that you do not overeat the less healthy options you tried to ignore. Cutting meal portions in half allows you to eat what you want without overeating.

5. Stay Positive.

Photo taken by Chelsea Gabriel;

Photo taken by Chelsea Gabriel;

Celebrate your progress. Staying fit and healthy is a journey and will not happen overnight. Remaining positive helps you feel better and keeps you motivated to continue to move forward. Don’t let yourself get discouraged; you can do it!


Adopting healthy habits provides for a better and happier lifestyle. What habits do you have to help you stay fit? Share with us some of your favorite healthy habits for weight loss.