“Look at this stuff. Isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete? Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl, the girl who has everything?” – Ariel from The Little Mermaid

We can all relate to the mystical red haired mermaid. This is because for most of us there will never be such a thing as owning too much jewelry. The desire to add new pieces to our collections is irresistible. Even when we tell ourselves that we’ve got enough, we often times fail to obey our own rules of not purchasing more. In my opinion, it is not our fault that there are individuals with the God-given talents of creating wonders that enhance our outfits and image. But regardless of our fashion style or shopping habits there is one piece that has been owned by women since the beginning of times and you should own it too.

c o n f i d e n c e

Yes, your most important fashion addition is entirely free and totally attainable (specially with the right support). A confident woman has an innate belief that she can do anything she sets her mind to and this is constantly in style. No matter who you are, what you look like, or what you own if you leave the house with this essential you will be the light everywhere you go. Confidence is that intangible piece that completes any outfit and revamps any trend. The best part is that even though we are not all born with it, we have the capacity to obtain it and/or strengthen it at anytime. Below find three of my expert tips to help you improve your confidence.


how to become confident woman alma and co blogDon’t wait until you are confident
Nobody achieves anything by waiting to be confident and then doing whatever it is they need confidence for. The trick is to actually do it and then get confidence from it. This requires stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things you never thought possible. Here is where some good support comes in handy. A friend, a lover or a good coach can all help you accomplish your goal of becoming a confident woman.


You are no more or no less than others
When you are around a group of people and start to feel anxious or below any of them repeat this mantra in your head – “I am no more or less than anyone here”. Really let this one sink in because it’s true. Everyone has areas in their life and aspects of themselves in which they thrive but everyone also has difficulties, insecurities, bumps, obstacles, and much more that they potentially need to improve on.


10 years from now…
When you really like something but don’t have the confidence to wear it or do it always ask yourself “will I regret not doing or wearing this 10 years from now?”. This is a great way to see how minimal our current fears are and how short life is. This mentality propels you into taking action in whatever it is you don’t feel secure about.
By now you should be ready to own this fashion prerequisite. We have covered the significance of confidence, its’ importance, and three basic tips that help you boost your levels in any situation. Always remember, like any piece of jewelry in your closet, if it is not worn it is meaningless.



Barbara Iluliano coach for Alma and Co blog
Barbara Iuliano

Coach, writer and scholar of life at Starland Coaching
Barbara is a certified life and confidence coach. As the founder of her coaching practice, Starland Coaching, she empowers women like herself to lead the lives they always dream of but never thought possible.